What is the average neonatal weight? At full term (40 weeks), around 80% of newborns weigh between 5 pounds 11 ...

During your First 4 Weeks baby’s paediatrician will be able to provide you with specific guidance, but here are a ...

You might be startled to hear that many of your newborn’s behaviours are reflexes—automatic reactions. Your baby’s reflexive responses can ...

One of the first things you discover after giving birth to your child is how much she weighs. This information ...

Morning sickness symptoms are often caused by pregnancy hormones that affect your body’s sense of smell. This can cause nausea, ...

Why Women Have Pregnancy Mood Swings Many women look forward to having children and becoming mothers at some time in ...

Most of the Pregnancy Symptoms that women feel during pregnancy are natural, even if they are unpleasant. They are simply ...

 What is implantation bleeding? Some mild spotting may develop when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, where it ...